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Effective Executive Magazine:
Creating and Launching New and Differentiated Service Offerings :Relentless Pace of Innovation

Differentiators relating to new service may need to be explained and a justification, such as a cost benefit analysis, provided before it is adopted. Significant productivity benefits, and a quicker take-up of a new service, can be achieved by supplying people, including customers, with task or job focussed performance support tools. High returns on investment have been obtained with applications to help people market, sell and adopt new and complex service offerings.


In many sectors the relentless pace of innovation is such that companies need to introduce new products and services to survive. Competitive pressures mean they also need to speed up and reduce the cost of creating and launching new offerings.

From time to time most boards are impatient for more sales. They may grumble about the lack of interest shown by people their marketing and communications teams target, poor media coverage or disappointing reactions to sales and marketing presentations. But why should anyone be interested in their company's activities? What is distinctive about what their organizations provide or do?

Many marketing and sales teams are under pressure. Most mail shots, sales brochures and press releases fail to capture the attentions and imaginations of their recipients. We are assailed by advertisements, interrupted by calls and inundated with junk mail. Proposals and prospectuses all seem the same. People sell to us rather than help us select by highlighting what is different about their offerings.


Effective Executive Magazine, Complex Service Offerings, Performance Support Tools, Communications Teams, Marketing Presentations, Knowledge Entrepreneurship, Mass Customization, Marketing Communications, Regulatory Constraints, Internal Communications Tools, Corporate Intranet.